
Use webhooks to get the real time updates of orders and shipment details. HMAC(optional) can be used for authenticating for registering to web-hooks or API key can use also used.

List of Configured Webhooks

GET /webhooks/list

Use this api to get all the list of webhooks configured per event.





API Key obtained for the customer/partner

    "webhookId": 13,
    "createdAt": "April 12, 2021",
    "callbackUrl": "https://myserver.com/send/callback/here",
    "headers": {
      "API_KEY": "bSd74acDFhjzy90vqml"
    "verify_payload": false
    "webhookId": 17,
    "createdAt": "April 21, 2021",
    "callbackUrl": "https://myserver.com/webhook",
    "headers": {
      "API_KEY": "1jKlk05bQ6vzY4pS3"
    "verify_payload": false

Postman Collection

We have a Postman collection to make the integration quicker and easier. You can test all our APIs by importing the full API collection through the 'Run in Postman' button and running them in the Postman app.

Last updated